Tips to Overcome Writer's Block for ELL Students: applicable for tests, assignments, and IELTS.
Writer's block can be a frustrating and overwhelming experience, especially for English language learners. However, with the right strategies and mindset, you can overcome this obstacle and unleash your writing potential. This week’s post will explore practical tips to help students overcome their writer’s block and get back on track with their writing.
📖 Become Knowledgeable
This is possibly the first and most important part of avoiding writer's block. The more time you spend building your knowledge about various topics, the more ideas and points of view you will have to share. Seek inspiration through books, articles, documentaries, podcasts, or news outlets. Draw inspiration from others and listen or read about different points of view on a given topic. This will help you generate ideas and ultimately help you overcome writer's block.
🧠 Freewriting and Brainstorming
I always encourage students to start any writing assignment with a brainstorming session. This is a great way to see what prior knowledge they have about a given topic and which ideas they can write about at length.
🔨 Break Down Your Task
Sometimes, writer's block arises from feeling overwhelmed by the magnitude of the writing task. Break down your writing assignment into smaller, manageable tasks. Create an outline or a checklist of the steps you need to complete. Focus on accomplishing one section or paragraph at a time, gradually building momentum and confidence as you progress.
🏡 Change Your Environment
This one is not so easy if you're completing a test. Still, when writing assignments or completing any professional reports, I always find it helpful to change my environment when I feel uninspired. Not only can this be a physical change in environment, from your house to a cafe, library, or school, but it can also mean listening to relaxing music, turning on the lights, or sitting somewhere with more natural light. Spice it up and see what works best for you!
☕ Take a Break
Our brains, like our bodies, need a break. Go for a walk, call a friend, do some yoga, or go for a coffee and let your brain take a break. If you're stressed, this step is crucial. I always recommend doing this after you've finished an assignment or a big chunk. Take a break, sleep well, and then review your work. This strategy is also extremely helpful when you’ve hit writer's block.
Writer's block is a common challenge for most individuals, but it can be overcome with the right strategies. Overcoming obstacles in your writing journey, like writer's block, is an opportunity for growth and development. Stay positive, trust your abilities, and keep pushing forward!
Your English Writing Coach,
Sabrina 😊